:: प्रकरण  खोजे ::

पंजियन क्रंमाक-
अपीलार्थी का नाम-
जनसूचना अधिकारी का नाम-
रसीद क्रंमाक -

  Shri Alok Chandravanshi                                                               
State Information Commissioner

             Date of Birth : 05-05-1963
                                   Education : LLb,MBA (finance) BE.
                                   Working as SIC since: 20 March, 2024
                                   Contact Number (O) : +91 771 251205


LLB - from Pt.Ravishankar Shukla University  Raipur Chhattisgarh

MBA (finance) - from Andhra University Vishakhapattanam Andhra Pradesh

BE - from GEC (now NIT) Raipur.

 Professional Experience

Alok Chandravanshi is professional with multi discipline educational qualification having working experience of more than 37 years as General Manager and as Municipal Commissioner Addl. CEO  in various govt. organizations in  multi disciplines like Engineering , Management and Finance and also with Law.

He is having experience of various fields like iron and steel production and also non ferrous production units. also had experience of working in material management and inventory control .Had worked with Financial Institute with working experience in project financing and distress asset Management and disposal.

 He has also experience in urban administration and had been associated with JNNURM having active involvement in project formulation DPR preparation sanction of various urban infrastructure projects  like urban housing of poor, water augmentation projects, urban public transport conceptualization and implementation of city bus project .Had exposure of budget audit and pension management of municipal work force.


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